. - Hemp: plant, cannabis >> marijuana, chanvre
.- a banner:
noun. A long strip of flexible displaying a slogan, advertisement, etc. esp one
suspended between two points.
.- a physician:
noun. A person legally qualified to practice medicine, esp one specializing in
areas of treatment other than surgery; doctor of medicine. / archaic. Any
person who treats diseases, healer.
.- to screen:
verb tr. Sometomes followed by “off” to chelter, protect, or conceal. To test
or check (an individual or group) so as to determine suitable for a task, etc.
.- to sieve:
figurative (search, sift candidates, itemps) >> cribar
.- to sieve: verb.
To pass or cause to pas through a sieve. / transitive, often followed by “out”
. To separate or remove (lumps, materials, etc) by use of a sieve.
.- a sieve: un
colador, un tamis
.- Academia:
noun. The academic world
.- to spring up:
verb.1.- to move or cause to move suddenly upwards or forward in a single
motion. 2.- to release or be released from a forced position by elastic force
>> brotar,
emerger, saltar del asiento.
.- to cater: verb.
In. Followed by “for” or “to” to provide what is required or desired (for). 2.-
when transitive, followed by “for” to provide food, services, etc (for).
.- to tap: verb.
1.- to strike (something) lightly and usually repeatedly >> to tap the
table, to tap on the table. 2.- tran. To produce by striking in this way
>> to tap a rhythm.
>> saltar a ,
accede (Tap into)
.- Hence: sentence connector. For this reason, following from this, therefore. Adverb: from this time >> a year hence (así que,
por lo tanto, por consecuente,
.- to concern:
vb.tr. 1.- to relate to; be of importance or interest to, affect.2.- usually
followed by “with” or “in” to involve, or interest (oneself) >> he concerns
himself with other people’s affaires.
.- a concer:
noun. Something that affects or is of importance to a person; affair, business.
Regard for or interest in a person or a thing >< he felt a strong concern
for her.
.- Probation:
noun. A system of dealing with offenders by placing them under the supervision
of a probation officer., trial period
.- Sightseen: noun. Informal. A.- the activity of visiting the
famous or interesting sights of a place. B.- (as a modifier) >> sightseen
.- Beside: prep. Next to,
at, by, or the side of.
.- Cruise: verb intr. To make a trip by sea in a liner for
pleasure, usually calling at a number of ports. Noun: an act or instance of
cruising, esp a trip by sea.
.- Soil: noun. The top layer of the land surface
of the earth that is composed of disintegrated rock particles, humus, water,
and air. Any place or thing encouraging growth or development.