ENGLISH - "What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set?"

Uhm...mind this: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/26/magazine/what-if-age-is-nothing-but-a-mind-set.html?ref=magazine Vocabulary (Paragraphs I & II) .- the mind: la mente, la memoria, la cabeza .- a mind - set: una actitud, una disposición .- to step out: Phrasl verb (informal). Salir a caminar (in the evening) .- to step out of (sth): verb. Expression. To exit, to walk from .- to shuffle: to walk slowly, arrastrar los pies .- forward, frowards: adverb. Towards the front, hacia delante (locución adverbial) .- to stoop: verb. posture>>bend, bow, encorvar .- a cane: noun. Walking stick, bastón .- to warp: verb. Bend out of a shape, deformarse, torcerse .- a time warp: un túnel del tiempo .- Time warp: http://mokshaconsulting.freehostia.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/time-warp.jpg .- to croon: verb, to sing softly >> cantar suavemente, canturrear .- to conjure (Sth): verb tr., produce magically, to call to...