ENGLISH - "What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set?"
Uhm...mind this:
(Paragraphs I & II)
.- the mind: la mente, la memoria, la cabeza
.- a mind - set: una actitud, una disposición
.- to step out: Phrasl verb (informal). Salir a caminar (in the evening)
.- to step out of (sth): verb. Expression. To exit, to walk from
.- to shuffle: to walk slowly, arrastrar los pies
.- forward, frowards: adverb. Towards the front, hacia delante (locución adverbial)
.- to stoop: verb. posture>>bend, bow, encorvar
.- a cane: noun. Walking stick, bastón
.- to warp: verb. Bend out of a shape, deformarse, torcerse
.- a time warp: un túnel del tiempo
.- Time warp: http://mokshaconsulting.freehostia.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/time-warp.jpg
.- to croon: verb, to sing softly >> cantar suavemente, canturrear
.- to conjure (Sth): verb tr., produce magically, to call to mind >> conjurar, evocar, hacer magia
.- to cook (Sth) up: v.tr. Phrasal verb, to devise, to invent >> tramar, maquinar, inventar, cocinar
.- aging: noun. US, process of getting old >> envejecimiento
.- to leave (Left, left): v.i., to depart >> partir, salir, marcharse
.- to assess: v.tr., to evaluate / to appraise, to value >> evaluar, valorar, tasar
.- to appraise: v.tr., to evaluate / to value >> evaluar, valorar, tasar
.- such: adj., as indicated >> ese tipo de (locución adverbial), semejante (adjetivo)
.- a measure: noun, unit of measurement >> medida (n.fem.)
.- dexterity: noun, manual skill, adroitness >> destreza, habilidad, maña, arte
.- grip: noun, to grasp, to hold >> agarre, sujección, enganche
.- get a grip: vb.i., slang / regain self - control >> cálmate, tranquilízate, ya vale!
.- strengh: noun, force >> fuerza, fortaleza
.- cognition: noun, knowledge, knowing >> cognición, conocimiento
.- close: adv., nearby >> a corta distancia, cerca
.- to emerge: vb.i., to come out of >> salir, emerger, aparecer, aflorar, surgir
.- fair: adv., just >> justo, imparcial, equitativo
.- fair: adv., pale >> claro, pálido, blanco
.- fairly: adv., evenly or justly >> con justicia, justamente, equitativamente
.- fairly: adv., by the rules >> limpiamente
.- fairly: adv., more or less >> bastante
.- intervention: noun, stop normal progress >> intervención, interferencia
.- to step out: Phrasl verb (informal). Salir a caminar (in the evening)
.- to step out of (sth): verb. Expression. To exit, to walk from
.- to shuffle: to walk slowly, arrastrar los pies
.- forward, frowards: adverb. Towards the front, hacia delante (locución adverbial)
.- to stoop: verb. posture>>bend, bow, encorvar
.- a cane: noun. Walking stick, bastón
.- to warp: verb. Bend out of a shape, deformarse, torcerse
.- a time warp: un túnel del tiempo
.- Time warp: http://mokshaconsulting.freehostia.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/time-warp.jpg
.- to croon: verb, to sing softly >> cantar suavemente, canturrear
.- to conjure (Sth): verb tr., produce magically, to call to mind >> conjurar, evocar, hacer magia
.- to cook (Sth) up: v.tr. Phrasal verb, to devise, to invent >> tramar, maquinar, inventar, cocinar
.- aging: noun. US, process of getting old >> envejecimiento
.- to leave (Left, left): v.i., to depart >> partir, salir, marcharse
.- to assess: v.tr., to evaluate / to appraise, to value >> evaluar, valorar, tasar
.- to appraise: v.tr., to evaluate / to value >> evaluar, valorar, tasar
.- such: adj., as indicated >> ese tipo de (locución adverbial), semejante (adjetivo)
.- a measure: noun, unit of measurement >> medida (n.fem.)
.- dexterity: noun, manual skill, adroitness >> destreza, habilidad, maña, arte
.- grip: noun, to grasp, to hold >> agarre, sujección, enganche
.- get a grip: vb.i., slang / regain self - control >> cálmate, tranquilízate, ya vale!
.- strengh: noun, force >> fuerza, fortaleza
.- cognition: noun, knowledge, knowing >> cognición, conocimiento
.- close: adv., nearby >> a corta distancia, cerca
.- to emerge: vb.i., to come out of >> salir, emerger, aparecer, aflorar, surgir
.- fair: adv., just >> justo, imparcial, equitativo
.- fair: adv., pale >> claro, pálido, blanco
.- fairly: adv., evenly or justly >> con justicia, justamente, equitativamente
.- fairly: adv., by the rules >> limpiamente
.- fairly: adv., more or less >> bastante
.- intervention: noun, stop normal progress >> intervención, interferencia