ENGLISH - ARTICLE - "Amazon and Hachette Resolve Dispute"

TECHNOLOGY: Amazon and Hachette Resolve Dispute

.- to Blossom: noun: the flower or flowers of a plant, esp consppicuous flowers producing edible fruit. / Verb intr.: (of plants) to come into a flower. / to develop or come to a promising stage.

.- a Brawl: noun. A loud disagreement or fight / To quarrel or fight noisily, squabble.

.- a Contention: noun. A struggling between opponent; competition; assertion, claim, allegation, dispute, disagreement.

.- a Statement: noun. The act of stating. Sommething that is stated, esp as a formal prepared announcement. or reply. Verb tr. usually passive. To asses (a pupil) with regard to his or her special educational needs.

.- Broadly: adv. od "Broad", having relatively great breadth or width.

.- to Work out: verb (adverb) tr. To achieve or accomplish by effort. Noun, "work - out": a session of physical exercise, esp for trainin or practice.

.- a Standoff: noun (US& Canadian) The act or an instance of stating off or apart. Any situatino or disposition of forces that counterbalance or neutralizes.  (deadlock, impasse, dead heat). Verb, Adverb Stand off: intr.: to navigate a vessel so as to avoid the shore, an obstruction, etc. Tr.: to keep or cause to keep at a distance.

.- Routine: noun. A usual or regular method of procedure, esp one that is unvarying. (informal): a hackneyed or insincere speech.

.- to Root for (sb) or (sth). : vb. tr. informal, support, cheer on.

.- an Elite: noun. 1.- sometimes functioning as plural. The most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc.

.- Prey: noun. 1.- an animal hunted or captured by another for food. 2.- a person or thing that becomes the victim of a hostile person, influence, etc. Verb: intr.: to unt or seize food by killing other animals. / To make a victim (of others), as by profiting their expense.

.- to undermine: verb tr. 1.- (of the sea, wind, etc) to wear away the bottom or base of (land, cliff, etc)

.- to Rase: verb. a variant spelling of "raze": Verb tr. 1.- to demolish (a town, buildings, etc) completely; level (esp in the phrase "raze to the ground"), to delete; erase.

Find More here: the Collins Dictionary: www.collinsdictionary.com 

.- a Stake, to Incide, an Ire, Prominent, to be Relieved, to Delude, to Covet, a Territory, to be in the Midst, , Lenghty, Antitrust, a Ground, Skirmishes, Beyond, to Host, an Ordeal, a Corner, Throughout, Shipping, to Show.

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