ENGLISH ARTICLE - What does vitamin C actually do?

https://www.popsci.com/vitamin-c#page-2 HEALTH What does vitamin C actually do? How one genius spread a massive myth that's persisted for decades By Sara Chodosh April 4, 2017 Linus Pauling won two Nobel Prizes , helped uncover the nature of chemical bonds, identified sickle cell anemia as a molecular disease, elucidated some of the most common protein structures, revolutionized our understanding of primate evolution , and is widely hailed as one of the fathers—if not the father—of molecular biology. Oh, and he almost single-handedly spread one of the biggest medical misconceptions of all time: that vitamin C prevents colds. Like the much more malicious myth that vaccines cause autism , it began with quackery. Pauling first heard about the wonder that is (or really, isn’t) vitamin C from a man named “Dr.” Stone, who was a doctor in much the same way that a...